The death666records release of the mauriac compil probabbly this year with many artists involved

Avril 7, 7

the release will be delivered in digital download and ass well on double compact disc around july, august 2013

This release will delay a little bit the 10inch record (street date : summer 2013)but in a same idea of artist association to release a current compil of what might have beeen to release a concert a week in such a desperate land of rural shit DS (distorsion rurales) did some great things, as a part of the knowledge of concert organizers (i m always been the internet pwho did promote the events soem stories went accross telling it was my fault that the fucking cops knew about which is hard to beleave i guess they have other sources than death666rec enterprises, anyway so i stop for a while and it gets back, even the title mauriac was forboideen on the web you got to titlez nord aveyron or villeuf or shit likle that anyway old times and also I myself did under my self consetment, not driected in any way by anyone, free legal prevention as a stand rfelais of both ASUD and TECHNO PLUS association which aan article is deddicated on the bottom pages, well I some stands for DS at the time for sanitary reasons you c

as you may have noticed


so it took a little while to get it all straiught you can downbload all of the files for free under legal consentment of all parts artists and lkabels which is funny because the links should be added a little below in the ten years section just before our support that we lead against hiv in such a desperate country too, so let s rock it s possible thatt the cd countains data video mp3 and mlore and that the mp3 files might countain bonus and videos and stuff

more than 66 bands played over 6 years

almost weekly concert organisation was done by Distorsion Rurale an association that death support in many way ( we are more link than you migth think as organisers with bands such as the anti beat and the ass n dick release for us many great albums that will be available for free to pay them respect it doesn t include anti beat 24 tr but some nice ass n dick rememberance we are still unable to release unreleased track as the band didn t like that much the punk tapes recorded on mD from the audience or that kind of shitty tape with the wrong sound pof guitar so we ll see it in few mouth after restauring it all this is only on Disc B of The Complete Ass n Dick History download Disc A here Disc B here and Disc C here (which countains the anti beat glorious archives before DSXCD666-19 that s it (scheduled formay 13th 2013 it hasn t been delayed yet let s hope it goes back) by the way many of our streamer have been reloaded)

so it s hard to sum it all to a compil still it will be release a double cd we think 06-26-13

we will take time for mastering and good idea of hand assembled covers with glues stick cutters and hands because this would look fun into methods of printing nice to the feeling of it maybver a booklet will be worked on presenting the bands so

Digital Releases (death666records)

Download here (90Mo) Disc A of 'The Complete Ass n Dick' Disc A

thanks a lot at all at distorsions rurales - project coordination, mat, fred, loulou - legal : creative commoms>Add thanks : funky and all at les hauts parleurs and ex akortribal w o this wem> compilation shall not exist thanks

Download Here Disc B : The Anti Beat (90 Mo) > download Disc C The Anti Beat here

Features only the Anti Beat

Download new Ten Year of Death Disc 2 here (90 Mo)> download Disc Two Ten Years of death here 2013 exp ed

features revised sound and diff tracklisting for Disc Two of ten years of death 1999-2009 2013 expanded edition revisited

Download Disc Six of Ten Years (2013 Ed) Disc 6 > download Disc Six here

includes all bands from start to finish of the 2013 expanded version of ten years of massive h.c. destruction 1999-2009 - an anthology

Download here Disc Five of Ten Years (2013 exp ed) Disc 5 > download Disc Five here

includes naturally more techno like recordings from the first 5 years of the label that swings between MV Noizetek SKLPL and MT to be honest that was kinda fun, you can dwonload disc 4, disc one on the front page of death666records website

old news

in rememberance of week occurence of those rendez vous with death and maybe a little more

not is was a great atmosphere ussually the bands like the public like the place despite the fact that every week some nutheads programm a weekly programm with band from all around albi, carmaux (81) tarn et guaronne, paris, brest et meme des fois plus loins, groupes etrangers en tournée etc, donc ça fait qu on a recupéré pas mal de bons groupes tous dans la veine harcore, il y avait le celebre 'hardcore freeze fest ' en decembre ou il faisiat trés froid non the extreme freeze terroro fest 4 editions, il y avait suite a la mort de jean paul ii le JP 2 show with stroboscopes that get people away specially when i played because it was syncronised with the music, outtakes play there two three or four times, bands from toulouse mainly land here, there was also great fest in over 2 days, with activities special DIY in the afternoon, stands and pyrotechnics and good sound and good bands if we put a track of each it won t be possible despite the fact that the digital release will include 4 CD ready to burn and officially hand released and packaged with heavy cardboard package and heavy booklet (printed at hors cadre for sure by ib) a double compact disc along with data tracks mp3 edited videos etc - some disc will be reissued with additional goodies stay tuned i remmber the tiome where the lead singuer puke during the live show, the qty of amphetamine before the live events, the alcool at 1 euro, the entry at underminezd price if you got money pay if you haven t that have nothing to do with the good times, ideology we share until it all gets fucked up (i guess L wants to write in that part sent me your letter i was about to reproduce the text originally made to be printed for the tour with a mobile studio truck except the truck didn t go further than bordeaux too bad, death 666 diy tour bus that was great times, then i get evicted more or less i never 'fi' the truck and dog style anyway, my fluyers became suspicious, and most of all the distributioin of kit was very badly seen and most of all they didn t like me for so reason because i had sound gear to record, i had a different lifestyle i had a bed inside a proper home and most of all theyy might dislike my relationships with groups leading the concert and most of all i don t know, i felt them more and more agressive so i let gothan my stand were evicted rolled up in huge balls with beer all over, enough junky shits it s possible that many people have already read it but since we got condom and alcololtes it was marvellous plus shooting kits un officially distribued by back of the door stuff evrybody shoot at this time in my car so if the guy answer me i would rather not say not it takes few secs anyway so i was drunk and stoned very quickly at 3am i just packed it back as people tend to think i was more or less 'recencing' the fly took, i was just counting the number of each distributed by events and the amount of stuffs that s all anyhoo, than i waws more or less evicted so..., but i love you, i really do (not all of you but DS is great go on

some were almost blasted by the sound of grind attack of white crust machine death noise stuff, that trigerred reaction of total paralysis by the audience, still the ambience was cool and everybody knew no matter the season there still a fire outside where unwarmed people still sleeping on a coach outside some on the floor, everybody piss outside, some get falled under the brick walls into vegetations, my vision at this time is that there were a lot of good band and the concert organizer should be thanked and we should be grateful to this but the blackness of it all still remind me strange things, people involved were some autonomous and the space keep growing the festival were huge success there was always a kind of empathy or something more human in thhe relationships between the bands, the organizers, the workers foor the events, the stands, and a mutual respect toward all the people even if it was most of the time hard drinkers punk that behave like kind of hippies that was fun and most of strange, respect was a key word and none alcool consumption could be a worthwile reeason for fighting and so on, few problems gets wacked off at the time by the numerous organizers, I remember my live set of techno hardcore always fearing something might fuck up which was the case how people endure such a destroyed harsh noise that i often mix with classic big beats and power electronics but interfere with guitarsx, shouts and sabotaged voluntary incidents and as alec said no stand up for more than 2/3 minutes right

, all right this have been great time too bad to quit this but I think Les Hauts Parleurs in association with Distorsions Rurales might continue to organize concerts all around most in the lot(46) nord aeyron (12) and places everybody nknow more or less , they got the ex from holland last week, it was sucessful, but there is aways places that wil try to help set you up a place in location, insurrances have to pay for many concert because people destroys things, or else broke glass when we were renting officially by the mairie the place which is an old marche couvert reshaped with glass and one fuckhead drunk shithead voluntary broke a glass when you actually do ree entry for concerts and for visiting you dpon t got that kind of money to replace that s why insurrance exist and ask us more everytime by the way Akortribal had been more or less replaced as many of the organisation fly away at the fourth corner of FR so Distorsions Rurales (DS) con tinue to organise shows within MSC (ex mauriac sound city) I9 guess L have something to say this is his manifesto dated probably around two thousand five or four (2004/2005)

LL if you want to answere and give your vision you can use your fingerprints the publisher can t find the proper document, and i m going to repost the manifesto of death that i removed by the way PDF are placed sorry about that but just know we are reshearching thru our paper and sound archives and will refind it i hold it in my hand the other dazy it was a typewritted insert that LL typed and that was supposed to introduce the anti nihilist vision of opeple coming together (whiuch i rather not said it s kind of ) and so reprint it as it was the time they were gonna tour east europe and by the way made of the truck a mobile 4track recording studio wiith gear i lend plus the tascam and release afterwhile a compilation of local bands which was a great idea with tour journal an dall, but the things didn t go as well, the truck didn t left bordeaux and most of all the tour went back delayed but they made it anyway in a super tour, where the 7inch ass n dick+anti beat+schtern was realse for this tour by boomcoeur records (thanks to bill for the videos) ass n dick and the anti beat always kept some unreleased 24-tr for the compil so we haven t got so many contractual obligation it depends of the project but our production might surprise you specially when we will repackaged silkcreened inserts and glue very nice stencils and old printing stuff depends of IB and hors cadre should get informed more about printing method to gte the idea i want which could rather be good and authentic despite the usuallly pressed and printed matter, by the way the book will be availoable as PDF and xeroxed (maybe small pocket) around fall 2014 as it is an incomplete work


avec Fuck off and die (punk hardcore), Kirkipete (ordkordeon), Tas d feraille (punk core), Ed Mudshi (punk noise), prix libre, villeneuve d aveyron (12), mauriac



Mauriac, Aveyron (12) - entree sur donation - plus de details sur l affiche bientot

le festival distortion rurale III se tiendra comme toujours a Mauriac (proche villefranche de rouergue (12)) les vendredi 18 et samedi 19 septembre 2009 : au programme sous reserve de changement, enfin les groupes marques sont confirmes et un autre mail en confirmera d'autres

vendredi start 20h00:


duo noise guit\batt, atmosphérique et quelle technique!!!!! from Frayssinous (12)


du rock noise bien sauvage avec des trentenaires bien jeunes et une belle boite à rythme from Toulouse


du hiphop rappé, halloween, beetle juice, ambiance..... pour un premier concert from villefranche


crust and crust and punxx finois, les amis des tooloose punkers


fast and furious hardcore, on ne les présente plus, eux aussi tooloose punkers


du rock noise experimental et jazzy, festif et bien habillé (anti dissiped quoi), de bons normands

voila pour le vendredi, passons au samedi 19 septembre et on commence tot vers 16hoo, y'a du monde



du punk des rues clermontoises, violence


punk hardcore boite a rythme joue par trois épileptiques from Nevers


du fast hardcore drogué avec une pointe de Trash from Saint Etienne


lourd, lourd, et hardcore gros son et ambiance... from Clermont Ferrand...


du punk et tu cries et tu bois.... from Albi


punk hardcore trentenaire vieille ecole, go!!!! from Paris


crust punk viril et muscadet


duo noise et sludge, bass\batt excellent from Gent (Bel)


punk et crust from auch city

KIRKIPETE assureront l'apéro,

au bout de la nuit, PETRIFIE,YANN IS THE BASTARD et MENTAL D-STRUCTION assureront le Karaoké, aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrccccccchhhhhhh!!!!!, peut être te feras tu pipi dessus et ce ne sera pas grave

les planétes Maboule assureront un spectacle de feu spectaculaire en interlude entre les groupes, un atelier de sérigraphie te permettra de garder un souvenir inoubliable du week end, et des stands t'informeront

la bouffe et le bar sont sur participation libre ainsi que l'entrée, ce festival est no profit mais on espére ne pas se mettre dedans et que les groupes soient correctement défrayés alors soyez DIY et généreux

en esperant t y voir le collectif distortion rurale te salue et te remercie de ton soutien.

The Anti Beat + Schtern + Ass n Dick + Petrifie have successfully recovered and came back pretty tired from their EAST EUROPEAN TOUR on this occasion a one sided 7inch vinyl is out and their late split CD with Doormouse/The Anti Beat is ready to> download the split CD Anti Beat Doormouse in MP3 or >download the split CD in FLAC

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.FLAC is a Free Loseless Audio Codec playable on most of the programms WinAmp, Jet Audio and many more and have a real better quality then the MP3 compression those downloads are legal as the sound is © 2009 by The Anti Beat so respect the licence and most of all enjoy the sound !

Live Dates Tour/Dates de concerts (12-31/Midi-Pyrenees/ Nord Aveyron/ Sud Lot/Sud France/Sud Ouest France)

  • 21 mars 2009 Concert a Auch (81) avec antibeat, Ass N dick et d autres.....
  • 28 mars 2009 Dormouse, marilyn rambo, folk s not dead, Ass N dick... Frayssinous (12)
  • 28 Fevrier 2009 au 8 Mars - Villefranche (12) de Rouergue 1 rue puechmeja Exposition FLASH peintures fractures coulures thanks to IB & akortribal
  • 28 Fevrier 2009 - Mauriac (12) - Twee Cat Trip - Ass n Dick revival back from hell - HuMus from italia - and more start at 20h entree payante sur donation bieres stands feu et encore plus c est ce samedi
  • Samedi 31 Janvier 2009 - Toulouse (31) Bar l'Autan - The Anti Beat (grindcore/crust/techno house/reggae) and Missing Teeth
  • Samedi 17 Janvier 2009 Villefranche de Rouergue Salle de la Madeleine - Alternative Rouergate 4 - Dormouse MP12 (hip hop) Electric Yapluka Marylin Rambo (rock noise) Joseph de Montagne Cyclop et Bacchant + stands etc
  • 31 DECEMBRE 2008 The Anti Beat + Yzab Zarbi and other
  • 12 DECEMBRE 2008 Mauriac 12 Concert with a lot of bands Yakusa Horror from Madrid had come recently (November 2008) and have included us in their giant tour - big up to them if they read it - they made great music, here is the poster of their gigantic tour (you can find videos on You Tube that we will include there too) that goes through Germany Poland france and then Spain a long road through all the European Community, shows in Berlin etc..
  • Image Hosted by
  • JEUDI 27 NOVEMBRE Mauriac 12 Concert with THE ANTI BEAT / DOORMOUSE / EZOFAG / EAT SHIT EXPERIENCE start 21h - entree prix libre - alcool bouffe et prevention reduction des risques (soft version) alcool test, un jeudi a mauriac pour une fantastique soirée boite a rythme voici le plan avec Gooogle Earth a venir Google Maps Mobile
  • Vendredi 14 Novembre 2008 Mauriac 12 Concert with Too Many Cowboys - Missing Teeth - Monnocle - Necrofilles - start 20h - soiree pour Pascal (RIP)
  • 12 OCTOBRE 2008 -Toulouse Caravan Serail Dissiped (fly to come)


  • 18 Avril 2009 - Nevers(58) - premiere date tour 2009 Ass N Dick-Antibeat au New bar....
  • 20 Avril 2009 - (Garaboncias) Szeged - Hungary
  • 21 Avril 2009 - Brasov (Sububan) Romania
  • 22 Avril 2009 - (Club Hand) Iasi - Romania
  • 23 Avril 2009 -(L'ambasador) Bristia - Roumania
  • 25 Avril 2009 - (Milada) Prague - Ceska Republika - Czech Republic
  • 27 Avril 2009 - Clermont Ferrand(63) - Raymond s Bar - France - soiree rouerguate
  • 2 Mai 2009 Mauriac(12) - Distorsions Rurales - France - entree sur donation - participation libre et necessaire
  • 7, 8, 9 Mai 2009 Robiac(30) - Festivalette - France
  • 19 Mai 2009Toulouse Pavillon Sauvage avec Action Beat - Toulouse (31) France
  • Oh My God ! (OMG) Lots of Laugh (LOL) Ass n Dick The Anti Beat had been doing some hundreds and hundreds of killometers (approx. 3000) and are now returned from their incredible tour finishing by a concert home at MSC (Mauriac Sound City). Fred had a permanent signal into his ear and was not very pleased to don t play on the last few dates because of a prolonged exposition to the sound or otherwise, now it s gone after six days, Mat the drummer made a beautiful Ass n Dick tatoo and all are now ready for action, the new split CD is on download and most of all their new one sided 7inch vinyl is out now soon you will be able to get the record from this website thru Paypal

Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Fucking Work

The Onions videos are so much fun that I cannot resist I always end laughing on my keyboard this is so dumb (our dumb world) I will add the depressant drug for the an noyingly happy personns and more soon

Ass n Dick and Anti Beat have returned safe but tired of their wonderful European Tour. They had been on the road for 3,000 killometers topuring in the Czech Repoublic, France, The Balkans, Hungary and many appearances, they tell us that people rocks off specially in those country and that they understand what HardCore means hell yeah !

We will update this page with tour journal, diary as we may receive emails, forward numeric picutres and all news. We wish them good luck for this big and great tour.

Ten Years of HardCore - a death666records anthology (1999-2009)

April 18, 2007

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>download for free disc one here (90Mo) and > download Disc Two here the 2013 edition (50Mo)It has been extended this year 2013 to a 6 CD ready to burn download of zip files soon to be added here the Disc Five and Four focused more on what the lable was on the first 5 year very techno like uncompromising noise mixed against loud guitars and fucked electronbics to powe'r noise and all Disc Six try to represent the label now with all the artists present (we would have love to have the Rastapopoulos who mean a lot to us no shit but we c ould get in touch > download Disc 3 here> download Disc 4 here > download Disc 5 here> download Disc Six hereenjoy the recording these are free download under a creative commom licence www creative commom org by na sa fr 2 5 enjoy those free downloads (artists give their signed authorisation nto feature on the compilation extended this year to a more adventurous side of the label (sorry for disc 4 it includes only MT plus the dead hippie sound because system equal fucked in the head lenght 17.00 and is presented in 320kbps so it s a 38 Mo file but hope you ll enjoy it some title may occur to be several time downloaded but this is not the same version for example on MT records anthology appears in studio version, live version and remixed version, psychotic state appears on a remioxe versiuon and rehearshall tape include on DSXCD666-11 the remastering of DSXCD666/13 will come this august and most of all outttakes first professionally processed CD wil,be out august / september in CD painted in black with origin al diogipack (we hope to find stock photography archives (thanbks to ib hors cadres distorsions ruralkes the anti beat ass n dick jules fred loulou sans qui cette compil n aurait pas vu le jour et tout les artistes participoant au jeu thanks merci very beaucoup

So From 1999, death666 (its label name came from the year it was created as well) enters in a decade of pure noise, experimental music and so on, greatly aknowledging The Anti Beat and Ass n Dick for trusting us and making the label what it could always supposed to be a place for great artist, at first it was a booster that auto prod could be viewed as a total DIY concept in great view such as making yourself the music as possible enter the circle of independant producer and sell copies of the disc by yourself. So this post is supposed to be aboout the scope that the line in ideas of the label were at the creation, tracks will cover this 10 years period, in the idea of the streaming internet tape, playable ont he main page and also as cool a track of classic techno could be lined up with energy of death metal; The limited CD r will come in blak card with Sampling Plus licence and will have two remixes, tracks from SKLPL, tracks ( previously unavailable or yet released on albums from The Anti Beat and Ass'n'Dick, MT noise landscapes with full frequencies blurring signal brain transmmitter disconnected harsh noise as a way of electric current inside of the brain (shock therapy) .This is Ten Years of hardcore, a death666records anthology (1999-2009),to come in full MP3 digital audio download and audio CD 6 June 2009 (06-06-2009) (coming as red card inked black plus 100 percent recycle paper booklet presenting the artists and the various sources of the sound recordings (live, rehearshall, improvisation recorded, concert recorded, studio, home recording etc...) The ompil has been recorded all over the place ! between Toulouse (to loose) k-nibal studio, death666 tls A & B, death666 studios C, abstract sound, death studios,) the full album (double CD) downloads of this release are available for free, released under a Creative Commons licence (pas de modification excepté sous meme licence et remix, non commercial, paternite) France 2.5

Forthcoming issue of the internet only available compil to 2x CD audio including the same tracks as on the full album free downloads high quality MP3 files zippped as .ZIP in great LAME encoding date of release audio CD 06-06-2009.

A reel noise disaster, noise terorist action report with blasts of white noise, beatbox mixed reel high, tapes found after shearch of faulty hard dries and lost sound banks reconstructed sounds of metal rupture and techno rock songs more juicy downloads for you are there

Support for the association Techno Plus & ASUD

Janvier 17, 2007

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Nous supportons ces deux associations par la diffusions sur les evenements culturels de la region de flyers de prevention concernant le travail d action mnee par techno plus et asud que nous remercions pour les flys + de 300 distribuees ces derniers temps - d autre part le public trouve ca en general plutot interessant, ces deux associations françaises de réduction des risques en invitant les personnes durant les conert a prendre conscience des risques reels et des dangers les moyens de les eviter (ne pas partager de materiel, paille tec) et proposant une information alternative au risquez moins savoir moins de la mildt, ici les infos ne discriminent pas , ne jugent pas les gen et ça c'est important pour toucher un public que l'on peut manipuler par la culpalisation (injection de meicaments etc) Dans cette idée alternative, nous vous invitons a vous connecter sur les sites respectifs des assos et ainsi que sur apothicom pour des infos. En support aux l'associations Tecno Plus et Asud, des centaines de flyers ont ete et continurons a etre distribués lors des concerts par le biais de stands de prevention destinés au public des concerts et festival. Pour plus de MySpace des liens sur des logiciels de production audio retrouvez ces liens parmi d'autres ici, et cette superbe photo de stand (2007) cliquez sur read more pour se connecter direct sur le site web de techno plus. D autre part cette action se situe dans un effort collectif d information et de prevention en milieu festif sous forme d asso, nous ne faisons juste que re distribuer des flys et des infos - a suivre les kits seront retirees des stands de concert et remplaces par plus de distro, fanzines, magazines tec...etc - bon finalement je crois que les stands vont inclure des kits strawbag au lieu des kits + standards un peu shocking shocking - donc voila vive les capotes ! - sinon super stands avec ASUD journals moultes flyers de toutes les couleurs parfaitement organisés - tous les trucs du stands snt gratuits sauf les skeuds - lcool test etc... donc voila merci a tous et a plus tard

We strongly support those two associations (and we will re write something better soon )for their fantastic work on a legal basis of running prevention duiring the concert organised by distorsions rurales and maybe akortribal, Techn,o Plus and ASUD are the top on the infomrations concerning substances and all of those drugs, you can check for example ecstasydata dot org to understand where the danger is when people takes drug, beyond the risk in the fact of taking, there is as well the problem of not being shure of what people injest, in this idea we will do more stuff to support those association, on the avyron only during the years 2007 we give away 300 flys during the concerts. A warm support that we 'll be happy to show with a picture that is too big for the website but that will be uploaded soon, to reach techno plus website go to read more. links

We are sorry for them as this part will be soon deleted, in some rural counties the fact to inform about safer drug use could be viewed as legal shit the fact is that the laws prohibits the benevolent people who work on those actions to do their jobs. After many complaints (never from the public who usually like a lot the stands we take off the needles substitued with kit for snorting instead with nose cleaner and all and though about alcool test, because it cost a lot to give all those test and trhat we don t want the prevention to be payable, we want prevention items to be free of charge (no matter if you got no money that got nothing to do with the good time (SY Dirty 100percent/DGC))

So the legal aspect of france territorshit prohibit benevolent people to do their action, because it is cost effective we will cut all funds on alcool test on prevention there will be none, only codoms (the usual bombarded endless TV commercial for the sex generation of the 80s kids) and shoot clean, no more paper (we last quite a while (many years to do it for free) all of this will be replaced by usual fanzine, CD and fan material of the bands on the show.

This action was very positive, the public liked it very much we duistributed in 2 years as near as 500 flyers of prevention on the south of france and specially the rural departments of aveyron, the problem was the big event where I was present another trap to shut down the whole stuff, plus fuck i m tired fucking activists, freedom to choose, freedom to fight the fight go on we will never die

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