Unsubsribe from Singles Club

Death666rds & abtract/concrete recordings SINGLE CLUB is a free subscription including usually a zip file to download (under 100Mo) countaining a free single (usually unreleased ) with from time to time add l stuff as graphic design, original weblinks, sheet list w/ track info etc/MP(please note that 9/issues pre announced are subject to change and 10/the audio quality in encoding will depend of the sound source so some works might be below 320kbps in lame encoding (depending of oringal sound sources despite tweaking - some are noisy/punk w/ a bunch of hiss no way to encode high rate no need) music released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

Some additional information about July 2013 Single Club Issue 2 with full credits & tracklisting as well

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It s easy

In order to unsbscribe to the web/postal mail order (see refund for postal mail) you just have to enter your e mail adress the one the mail was sent press unsubscribe and a mail will be sent to orders.abstractsound@safe-mail.net & your adress will be deleted from the clients (even people receiving promotional copies count, so that s why there's a bunch of people) just know that refunding for mail order is almost impossible to substract what it cost etc for instance tghis is not possible (but legally speaking it has to be) There is alternate methods to get rid of the 'single clubs' (9/please note (sequel) some issues are subject to change and modiffication on the pre-announced singles (to march2014)) and also note line 6or9 was a joke (of course we won t send a pill in the middle of the CD (it was a 'marketing approach' msuic deler should do more often!) well alternate step consit of just sending stop/unsubscribe (w/o having to give any explantiuon, if you did thank you in advance we love opinions even some nasty one, and other made you smash the keyboard on the floor or make it flyt accross the room) aaaaaaaah (pause) those computers system of info, great isn t it as i re read abbie hoffman (not almbert( and his book how revolutionary it was anyway the point was that at this time (50/60) to make a different paper you have to print it w/ old trad method now you got a computer a CD burner a printer and you can do so many things with what is technologically possible it give a real unexpected power to the people (vinz will agree) by the way just know we are pleased by the first issue even if there is a bunch of mistake what was cutted in the first tape isn t and it s 1.85:1 and not scope for the two same format EU 16/9) For any problems feel free to contact orders.abstractsound@safe-mail.com

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where is the box

Enter the email on which you wish to unsubscribe: Single Clubs (established 06-2013  

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